Why Bindopor

Why Bindopor

Reasons to choose us

Experience   Design   Flexible Manufacturing
We have over 30 years of experience in designing and manufacturing customized solutions for the Hotel & Tourism sector. We’re truly specialists in this market.   Design is central to our operation. Our in-house Design & Development team (D&D) is constantly developing new innovative solutions which are the result of a close collaborative work with specifiers – Architects & Interior Designers, and clients.   We hold a flexible production structure, geared to manufacture unique bespoke tailor made solutions. We know how to balance aesthetics with production and manufacturing reality, thus resulting in providing competitive solutions.
R&D - Research & Development   We deliver    
Is continuous on our day to day operation, a key element to our business model topped by a Quality certification under the ISO 9001 standards.   From Design & Development to Manufacturing and onsite Installation, we provide Logistics around the world wherever you want it, whenever you need it.      

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